Primary Project Volunteer Training
Sep 15, 2022
Do you have 45 minutes a week to make a difference in a child's life? If so, please consider becoming a Primary Project volunteer.
What is Primary Project?
Primary Project is an evidence-based intervention that uses play to help students adjust to school, gain confidence and social skills, and focus on learning.
How does it work?
Primary Project volunteers are partnered with Harrah Elementary School students in kinder through third grade. Each week for fifteen weeks, students and volunteers meet in our playroom where the children are encouraged to play freely with whichever toys they choose. Our next session will begin the week of October 10th.
The best part?
This simple intervention has been shown to have long-term positive effects on the mental health of students who participate.
Do I have to be trained to be a volunteer?
Yes. Our next training is scheduled for Thursday, September 15th, from 8:30 to 11:30 am at the Old Harrah School (3851 Harrah Road, Harrah, WA 98933).
Will I get paid for volunteering?
Yes. Generous funding from the Washington State Health Care Authority has allowed us to honor our volunteers with a stipend of $150 per student served.
How do I sign up?
If you're ready to volunteer, or if you'd like to learn more, please click this link to sign up for our three-hour training!